Thursday, May 13, 2010

Living My Life [Speeding Through the Roads of Life]

Speeding Though The Roads Of Life

written by: Hyacinth S. Faune [SJSaranghae]

Life is a series of heyday and misfortune. Its true value is not measured in the amount of years to live through, but rather, in the use we make of them. To find satisfaction is not based on the tale of years we weave, but on our will to dream, our will to live, and our will to make the most of it by going beyond the boundaries of the possible. Every second of our lives should be compromised, not only basing on the successes attainable but also for the failures that help build up our characters.

At a young age, I discovered my potentials and interests, which serve as the foundations of my dreams and goals. I will forever be proud to say that I’m a bookworm. I am convinced that Literature is the field of my potencies and the field where most of my dreams and goals in life rely upon. My favorite books are fantasy fiction and self-help books. Specifically, the titles are Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Six Most Important Decisions You’ll Ever Make and the Inkheart Trilogy. I discovered my great thirst for an expanding vocabulary, which is why I consider the dictionary as my best friend.

I also discovered my interest in writing at 9 years old. I consider writing as my passion and my ardent desire. For me, writing is like breathing. Stop and I’d die. It’s my vice of choice, my sanity, and my stress release from a bad day or bad week. Writing is something I insatiably do every time a crazy idea pops out of my head. It all started when some of my teachers complimented me that I have “the potential to be a good writer.” It really boosted out my ego and self-confidence that I can walk the extra mile. I’m currently writing a novel with fantasy-fiction as the genre. The reality of my dreams, such as traveling in foreign places and being recognized as one of the youngest and greatest authors depends on the progress of my novel.

Being book-oriented, I realized that the roots of success always start out with prioritizing your studies. In my kindergarten life, I was enrolled at Enfant Cheri Study Centre Inc. I did fairly well, but the problem I had was consistency. When I become the first honors, I just seem to dive down to lower ranks in the succeeding grading periods. In Grades 1 and 2, I still studied at Enfant Cheri. Being in a private school, I never learned to appreciate interaction with other people outside my circle. I was the timid, unassuming student who seldom participates in class. In Grade 3, I took the test for the Science and Technology Education Center in Butuan Central. Receiving satisfactory results, my parents transferred me to the public school. This turning point of my life turned out to be my transition stage. I learned to speak Visayan, socialize with other people from different walks of life, learned to participate well in class, discovered my skills in writing, and my interests in Literature and History. Because of my sudden adaptability to an environment I’ve never been to before, I became the 2nd honors in class. In Grade 4, I had to make minor adjustments once more, because I have been transferred to Butuan City Special Education Center together with my cousin, Jaynee D. Sacote. At first, the only person I’ve interacted with was my cousin, seeing that the other SPEDers were contented socializing within their own little cliques. But as time passed, I’ve eventually outgrown my being reluctant, making me rise up to the rank of 5th honors around a bunch on sharp minds. In Grade 5, I made up my mind in compelling myself to soar higher. Because of that, I settled down as the class’s 3rd honors. I strongly believe that Grade 6 marked one of the biggest mistakes in my life. I became complacent, blithe, and carefree. I did not struggle hard to compete with others, and I know I didn’t do my best then. Because of that, my rank deteriorated to 8th honors. I supposed it was out of sheer luck that I was even able to be part of the Banner Roll. However, during those crucial times, my skills in writing improved a great deal. I was able to make it to writing contests and press conferences, having been trained in Journalism as the News Writer of our school paper, The Manaol.

At last, another chapter of life flipped its pages. I became eligible to enter high school. Many people say that high school is one of the most memorable stages in a person’s life. I wasn’t so sure of that either. But indeed, before officially being a high school freshman, I have experienced lots of insomnia cases. I wasn’t sure of what kind of life lies ahead of me. I wasn’t sure of what was at stake and how to leave marks of legacies on a school where the sharpest of minds met. In my first year, I belonged to section Archimedes. My adaptability hasn’t reached to the maximum, and I was adjusting a great deal, being around the smartest freshmen in Butuan City and CARGA region. I wasn’t very much indulging myself into participation in class discussions and as result, I was only the 9th honors in the banner roll. I wasn’t contented of only being the 9th honors, and I believed I could do better when I put the whole of my efforts in my studies. Second year held a lot of unexpected surprises and promises for me. I was in section Darwin, and I was immediately accepted as the News Editor in The Narra. I joined a lot of contests no matter how stupid and embarrassing I may appear to be, in order to gain higher grades. I put a lot of effort in my studies and participated a great deal. I took my studies seriously and as a result, I was awarded as the 1st honors in the banner roll. Because of all those achievements, I was situated at section Avogadro this school year. I am determined to stay consistent at all cost and continue doing my very best no matter how the tables may have turned. I know that life is full of uncertainty, but I assure myself to stay strong while facing the tough challenges that I may be facing this school year. I try to hold on to that thought and truth for the sake of my goals and ambitions.

Even though I’m a fan of Japanese manga and anime, I’m fonder of literary pieces and classical books. Being an anime fan is like a whole new side of my interests. I’m also a fan of reality shows especially Pinoy Big Brother. The show gives the audience an outlook of the different perceptions, opinions, and paradigm of people with different stands and points of view.

I also highly use the internet for my own purposes. I usually go to Yahoo! Answers to ask questions, answer other people’s questions and make different polls and surveys regarding various topics. It is amusing on how different people see a particular thing differently. Aside from that, I keep in touch with my friends in Friendster. I also use YouTube quite a lot compared to Friendster. Here, I can upload the videos I have edited, music videos, and movie trailers. By means of YouTube, I have met many friends from all over the world, with different nationalities and characteristics. Because of this website, I have met my online best friend, Ashley, from California. We shared a lot of things in common, and she often asks me for advices whenever school and peer pressures were much of a problem to her. I basically had to research how to deal with bullies, mean students, and popularity rates to advice her on how to deal with them. Aside from Ashley, I have met a bunch of other interesting people which I have befriended. Jodie from Peru, Angela from USA, and Anne from Sweden are some of the people I usually chat with. Another friend from Chicago, Monica is a potential “online close friend.” I am aware of the risks of being in the internet, but of course, I am careful of the people I am dealing with at all times. Now I'm totally in Plurk, Facebook, and Twitter. haha

Compared to other teenyboppers, I am proud of being unique and not settling for things which I consider cliché. Although, I at times may be headstrong and stubborn, I try to be optimistic, so that it may eclipse my pessimistic thinking. I have a firm stand on my dignity, reputation, and my beliefs. Unless I can relate and have an authority to do so, I’m a person who does not stereotype. And unless provoked, I do not go around looking for fights and troubles.

I’m a person who is very ambitious and who dreams big. I have lots of goals I want to accomplish and lots of dreams I want to pursue. As much as possible, I don’t want to settle for an average life, because I know my abilities are capable of making my life extraordinary in one way or another. I tend to find inspiration in the movies I see, the books I read and in the scenic panorama of unspoiled nature. The strong inspiration and motivating force keeps me pumped up in writing my novel. With the freedom of thoughts and the continuous flow of ideas, my brain delta waves make my high ambitions closer to grasp. Writing a best-selling novel at such a young age is an ambition I share with my fellow classmate, Marion Therese Geolingo.

This is the story of my life so far. A portal of uncertain expectations. A book with surprising chapters written by God’s own hands. A life not ought be wasted, but lived to the fullest without further regrets. Because as Mother Teresa pus it, “Life is an opportunity, benefit from it. Life is beauty, admire it. Life is bliss, taste it. Life is a dream, realize it. Life is a challenge, meet it. Life is a duty, complete it. Life is a game, play it. Life is a promise, fulfill it. Life is sorrow, overcome it. Life is a song, sing it. Life is a struggle, accept it. Life is a tragedy, confront it. Life is an adventure, dare it. Life is luck, make it. Life is too precious, do not destroy it. Life is life, fight for it.”

P.S.: This was my assignment last 3rd year for English. I just re-posted it as a blog. haha

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